Meet Little Miss Photography...
Amber picked up her first camera when she was 10 years old. A simple point and shoot but she couldn’t get enough. She would spend countless hours at the wildlife refuge photographing scenery and flowers and alligators! Living in the beautiful city of Savannah, going downtown was like putting a kid in a candy store for Amber. There were cobblestone roads and spanish moss hanging from huge 100 year old live oaks and stunning doors and windows. A photographer's dream! She started to see things differently. She started to see the beauty of simple things and the details that most people often overlook.
When she was 17, Ambers parents saw their daughter's passion for photography growing and they bought her a Nikon. Ambers first DSLR. In 2010, while listening to the country music group Sugarland, Amber felt a connection to a song called “Little Miss.” She was going through a rough place in her life and the words hit home for her. Photography was her outlet. Her way of dealing with many constant issues she has to face in this big world. “I thought Hey, I'm Little and a Miss and I love this song so why not name my business Little Miss Photography!” And so, that is where it all began.
Amber is a sweet sweet soul. She pours her whole heart into everything that she does and she cares. Really cares. She loves her animals like they are her babies, she is compassionate and loyal, supportive and enthusiastic. She always thinks of others before herself. To know her, is to love her. As an artist, Amber sees an idea in her head and works very hard to put that plan into action through the photographs she captures. Amber is a little lady with a HUGE heart. - Written by a close friend of Amber's.
“Little Miss you’ll go far, little miss hide your scars, little miss who you are is so much more than you like to talk about” -Sugarland

Copyright 2018 Little Miss Photography